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Bumblebee Bees

Humla brunbandad karder bombus humilis Humla - bufftailed - bombus terrestris Humla - vanlig karder - bombus pascuorum Humla - tidig - bombus pratorum Humla - skogsgök - bombus sylvestris Humla - trädgård - bombus hortorum Humla - rödsvansad - bombus lapidarius Humla - skrikande karderare - bombus sylvarum Humla - träd - bombus hypnorum Humla - vitstjärtad - bombus lucornum

Bumblebee Historia

Bumblebees are one of the most amazing types of bees. They live of nectar and pollen found in many different types of plants and are excellent pollinators.

Bumblebee Beteende

Bumblebees and Honeybees are the only two common varieties of social bees. They have an annual cycle of life. Each year the queen builds a nest in a wall cavity, hedge bank or perhaps underneath a handy shed. The queen builds up a stock of honey and pollen. She then lays lots of eggs and incubated them. The larvae hatch into males, workers and queens. The new queens then mate and survive over the winter. The males, workers and old queen die in the autumn. The following year the cycle begins again in a new nest.

Bumblebee Varianter

There are lots of varieties of Bumblebees, too many for this introduction. Nearly all of them are large and brightly coloured. Have a click through the images shown above or if you are interested in reading more about the Bumblebees then visit the Bubblebee Conservation Trust or the Natural History Museum website.

Bumblebee Status


Bilder på Bumblebee

En vacker blomma som blir putsad av bin.
Bi på blomma
Bi med blomma
Få lite pollen ????
? Bombus sylvarum
Humla på Salvia
bi på vit pion

Bumblebee till salu

Vänligen notera: Alla djur som är till salu här måste hämtas av köparen. Varken Omlet eller den som säljer djuret kan leverera det till köparen. Säljaren kommer att skicka sin kontaktinformation till dig så att ni kan komma överens om betalning och upphämtning,
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