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Senegal Dove (Streptopelia Senegalensis) Pigeons and Doves


Widely known by its characteristic coo as the Laughing Dove which is often mistaken for human like laughter This friendly, trusting and often tameable dove is rusty brown in colour with blue grey or copper markings on the wings and back of the head. The undersides are light pale beige to almost white. The Senegal Dove has a tuft of feathers under the beak that are flecked with either dark brown or black. They are widely found throughout Africa, the Middle East and parts of Asia. Both sexes are around 25cm in length.

The nests are built in bushes, crevices and sometimes under house eaves, being a flimsy collection of twigs. Two eggs are laid and incubated by both parents, but mainly the female. Incubation takes around 13 - 15 days and they fledge at 15 - 17 days old. Depending on weather and food availability, they can have up to 6 broods in a year.


The Laughing Dove prefers dry farm land and scrub to source it’s food and have adapted well to living in towns and villages on top of buildings. It is a ground feeder, eating seeds, grasses and small insects. These doves like to be close to water.

Information om rasen

  • Status: Ovanlig
  • Livslängd: Around 6 years

Bilder på Senegal Dove (Streptopelia Senegalensis)

Senegal Dove (Streptopelia Senegalensis) till salu

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